We are Andrew and Claire of The 1086 Club.
We have a dance background in modern jive, smooth jive, Argentine tango, West Coast swing and a little Lindy Hop.
Some years ago Andrew had a vision for a dance venue where everyone was free to dance how they wanted within the realms of partner social dancing. A place where you can dance like no one is watching to any style of music and any dance genre all mixed up how you like – in essence dance freedom. We like to call our style of dance – Post Modern Jive.
The 1086 Club is the result of this dream. So called because it began it’s days with the help of fellow dancers Paul and Ann Biggins and his partner Claire, at a venue in Fordingbridge in the New Forest. Struggling for a non generic name, Paul came up with name The 1086 Club because Fordingbridge is in the Doomsday Book, which was signed in 1086.
Paul and Ann moved on to pursue other personal ventures after getting the club off the ground but are still avid supporters and come regularly.
We are passionate about dance and in particular dancing with your partner and expressing your dance to the music. We like dancers to have a sociable time and to be able to feel comfortable coming along to all our dances knowing they will be met by friends and have a great time. The 1086 Club is our hobby and we strive to put as much as we can back into the club from the fees, funding equipment and providing great venues.
We want to share our passion and do so on our YouTube channel and through Facebook. You can check out all our music that we play and take a look at our style of dancing.
Most importantly we want you to be able to have as much dance fun as we do, to be comfortable with your own style of dance and to be free to develop your dance in any way you wish.
At the moment we are taking a break so do not have any events running.
Dance Freedom Dance Fusion